Publikacje planowane, katalog: bgios, w dniu 2024-06-16

 Nr publ. |    Data modyfikacji     |                                             Nazwa publ.                                              | Uwagi 
    18806 | 2021-06-22 13:59:52.669 | Schulatlas zur Geschichte des Altertums : 64 Haupt- und Nebenkarten auf 28 Seiten, 1908              | 
    20021 | 2020-10-02 16:10:12.646 | Ravenstein, Ludwig (1838-1915). Oprac., 1877, Meyers Hand-Atlas der Erdkunde in 100 Karten           | 
    23113 | 2020-10-02 15:46:10.006 | t. 1 (1939) : Gdynia, Wolne M. Gdańsk i wybrzeże                                                     | 
    41822 | 2020-10-02 15:46:10.006 | Nowak, Jan (1880-1940). Oprac., 1937, Wyniki badań i objaśnienie do map                              | 
    41829 | 2020-10-02 16:10:12.646 | Nowak, Jan (1880-1940). Oprac., 1937, Profile geologiczne przez Karpaty Śląskie = Coupes géologiques | 
    45703 | 2022-04-08 09:53:35.41  | Bański, Jerzy (1960- ). Red., 2010, Atlas rolnictwa Polski = Atlas of Polish agriculture             | 
    45732 | 2020-10-02 16:10:12.646 | Leszczycki, Stanisław (1907-1996). Red., 1994, Atlas zasobów, walorów i zagrożeń środowiska geografi | 
    46047 | 2020-10-02 16:10:12.646 | Lijewski, Teofil (1930-2010). Red., 1975, Atlas przemysłu Polski                                     | 
    46092 | 2020-10-02 16:10:12.646 | Kostrowicki, Jerzy (1918-2002). Red., 1968, Atlas województwa białostockiego                         | 
    58344 | 2024-02-07 14:21:45.444 | Romer, Eugeniusz (1871-1954), 1925, Powszechny atlas geograficzny                                    | 
    75298 | 2022-04-08 09:37:39.075 | Kostrowicki, Andrzej Samuel (1921–2007),  [przed 1979], Krainy roślinne Polski                       | 
    85001 | 2021-03-25 14:12:03.018 | Autorki wycofały artykuł = The authors have withdrawn the article                                    | 
    89809 | 2022-04-08 09:38:50.519 | Forster, Karol (1800-1879), 1840, Pologne                                                            | 
   140706 | 2020-10-02 15:46:10.006 | Scheichl, Franz, 1907, Ueber Berg und Tal : von der Donau bis zur Adria - vom Traunstein bis zum Mon | 
   140710 | 2020-10-02 15:46:10.006 | Fink, Otto, [1912?], Erinnerungsblätter : Reise-Skizzen und Ähnliches                                | 
   141026 | 2020-10-02 15:46:10.006 | Neve, Ernest Frederic (1861-1946), 1914, Beyond the Pir Panjal : life and missionary enterprise in K | 
   141469 | 2020-10-02 16:10:12.646 | Nouvelle carte générale de la Belgique et du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg, 1948                         | 
   181811 | 2021-01-11 14:26:56.235 | Ravensteins Welt-Karte : 1:40 Mill., 1941                                                            | 
   181814 | 2021-01-11 14:20:36.041 | Daily Express war map of all fronts : a Daily Express production, 1942                               | 
   181871 | 2020-11-06 14:40:18.527 | Das neue Europa mit den wichtigsten Flotten- und Luftstützpunkten der außerdeutschen Großmächte :    | 
   200804 | 2021-03-10 14:54:23.63  | Schwoy, Franz Joseph (1742–1806), 1793, Topographie vom Markgrafthum Mähren                          | 
   200841 | 2021-03-10 14:47:59.567 | Gruner, Gottlieb Sigmund (1717–1778), 1760, Die Eisgebirge des Schweizerlandes. T. 1, Die Beschreibu | 
   200869 | 2021-03-10 14:46:08.109 | Gruner, Gottlieb Sigmund (1717–1778), 1760, Die Eisgebirge des Schweizerlandes. T. 2, Die Beschreibu | 
   200885 | 2021-03-10 14:45:31.286 | Gruner, Gottlieb Sigmund (1717–1778), 1760, Die Eisgebirge des Schweizerlandes. T. 3, Physikalische  | 
   201013 | 2021-03-10 14:23:05.245 | Volney, Constantin-François de Chasseboeuf (1757–1820), 1798, Voyage En Syrie Et En Égypte, Pendan   | 
   201073 | 2021-03-10 13:53:07.318 | Volney, Constantin-François de Chasseboeuf (1757–1820), 1798, Voyage En Syrie Et En Égypte, Pendan   | 
   203817 | 2021-04-22 13:40:16.084 | Hirschfeld, Christian Cay Lorenz (1742–1792), 1783, Briefe die Schweiz betreffend                    | 
   214180 | 2021-10-14 09:42:07.179 | B.KS.446 [obwoluta zbioru map]                                                                       | 
   214529 | 2021-10-14 09:44:43.926 | PTG B.1619 [obwoluta zbioru map]                                                                     | 
   217221 | 2021-04-22 13:26:37.767 | Dussieux, Louis (1744–1805), 1770, Histoire Abrégée Découverte et de la Conquête des Indes par l     | 
   217241 | 2021-04-22 13:21:44.948 | Bourgoing, Jean de (1877–1968), 1789, Des Herrn Ritters von Bourgoing Neue Reise durch Spanien vom J | 
   217248 | 2021-04-22 13:20:48.965 | Bourgoing, Jean de (1877–1968), 1790, Des Herrn Ritters von Bourgoing Neue Reise durch Spanien vom J | 
   221460 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.753 | Europe 1.000.000e. Petsamo, druk 1944                                                                | 
   221463 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.755 | Europe _ 1.000.000e. Mourmansk, 1941                                                                 | 
   221470 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.757 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Aberdeen, 1941                                                                   | 
   221498 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.76  | Europe _1.000.000 e. Bergen, 1941                                                                    | 
   221499 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.762 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Oslo, 1941                                                                       | 
   221505 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.765 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Riga, druk 1944                                                                  | 
   221521 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.767 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Leningrad, druk 1944                                                             | 
   221523 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.769 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Gorki (Nijni - Novgorod), 1941                                                   | 
   223528 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.296 | XX - 18 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   223531 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.29  | XX - 18 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   223723 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.293 | XX - 18 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   223729 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.299 | XX - 18 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   223748 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.278 | XX - 18 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   223788 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.282 | XX - 18 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   223920 | 2021-07-29 11:43:49.819 | Gikman, Anton Leo, 1925, Prof. Hickmann's geographisch-statistischer Universal-Atlas : 1925          | 
   223921 | 2021-07-29 11:44:17.447 | DDAC-Durchfahrtspläne : für 150 deutsche Städte, [około 1938]                                        | 
   223923 | 2021-07-29 11:44:30.695 | Putzger, Friedrich Wilhelm (1849–1913), 1936, F. W. Putzgers Historischer Schul-Atlas                | 
   223924 | 2021-07-29 11:44:42.845 | Latvijas ceĮu karte : mērogs 1:200 000, 1940                                                         | 
   223925 | 2021-07-29 11:44:54.559 | Putzger, Friedrich Wilhelm (1849–1913), 1899, F. W. Putzgers Historischer Schul-Atlas zur alten, mit | 
   223926 | 2021-07-29 11:45:05.245 | Leuna Zapfstellen-Atlas, 1939                                                                        | 
   223927 | 2021-07-29 11:45:15.924 | Kriegs- und Schlachten-Atlas 1914-1916 : in 37 Karten nebst Geschichtstabelle des Weltkriegs, 1916   | 
   223929 | 2021-07-29 11:45:30.788 | Harms, Heinrich, 1934, Harms Neuer deutscher Geschichts- und Kulturatlas                             | 
   223930 | 2021-07-29 11:45:43.256 | Putzger, Friedrich Wilhelm (1849–1913), 1930, F. W. Putzgers Historischer Schul-Atlas                | 
   223931 | 2021-07-29 11:45:53.755 | Debes, Ernst (1840–1923), 1915, E. Debes' Schul-Atlas für die Obere Unterrichtsstufe : 121 Haupt- u  | 
   223932 | 2021-07-29 11:46:02.689 | Kriegs Atlas der "Woche", [1915]                                                                     | 
   223933 | 2021-07-29 11:46:14.289 | Automobil-Strassenkarte von Deutschland, [1930]                                                      | 
   223934 | 2021-07-29 11:46:35.694 | Mayer, Rudolf. Autor, 1914-1915, Die militärischen Ereignisse im Völkerkrieg 1914-16. 1ter Teil, I   | 
   223935 | 2021-07-29 11:47:42.647 | Friederichsen, Max (1874–1941), 1914, Methodischer Atlas zur Länderkunde von Europa. 1. Lfg., Ost-E  | 
   223936 | 2021-07-29 11:47:58.365 | Friederichsen, Max (1874–1941), [1915], Methodischer Atlas zur Länderkunde von Europa. 2. Lfg., Die  | 
   224044 | 2021-05-17 10:56:20.984 | Handtke, Friedrich H. (1815–1879), 1889, General-Karte von Australien und der Südsee                 | 
   224079 | 2021-05-17 13:36:11.544 | Angola et Rhodesia 1912-1914 : Mission Rohan-Chabot : carte des régions parcourues dressée d'aprè    | 
   225159 | 2021-05-21 14:09:32.625 | Europäisches Rußland : Mittlerer Maßstab 1:5.000.000, 1942                                           | 
   225160 | 2021-05-21 14:11:46.293 | P. Baron's Heimatkarte des Kreises Jauer, [około 1930]                                               | 
   225161 | 2021-05-21 14:13:27.992 | Peucker, Karl (1859–1940), 1915, Die Zentralen Balkanländer zwischen Adria und Pontus, Serbien, Bul  | 
   225759 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.301 | XX - 18 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   225868 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.303 | XX - 18 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   226296 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.772 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Kirov, druk 1947                                                                 | 
   226311 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.774 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Londres, 1945                                                                    | 
   226318 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.776 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Amsterdam, 1944                                                                  | 
   226319 | 2021-08-23 08:07:50.069 | Polska : podział administracyjny : podziałka 1:2 500 000, 1960                                       | 
   226334 | 2021-08-23 08:08:35.739 | Polska : mapa administracyjna : skala 1:2 000 000, 1950                                              | 
   226335 | 2021-08-23 08:10:14.301 | Polska : mapa administracyjna i komunikacyjna 1:1 500 000, 1946                                      | 
   226336 | 2021-08-23 08:11:09.562 | Polska : podział administracyjny : skala 1:1 000 000, 1970                                           | 
   226338 | 2021-05-27 13:53:59.02  | Rzeczpospolita Polska : mapa administracyjna : skala 1:1.000.000, 1947                               | 
   226345 | 2021-05-27 13:55:05.796 | Administrativnaâ karta R.S.F.S.R : aziatskaâ častʹ. : masštab 1:10.500.000, 1922                     | 
   226352 | 2021-05-27 13:59:46.573 | Guy, Aubrey V., druk 1938, Colony of Fiji : natural skale 1:500,000                                  | 
   226355 | 2021-05-27 14:00:26.384 | Carta topografica dell' isola do Oahu : con la città e distretto di Honolulu, druk 1941              | 
   226521 | 2021-06-24 18:02:05.008 | Japan (south) : special strategic map : scale 1:2,000,000, 1943                                      | 
   226846 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.285 | XX - 18 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   226860 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.306 | XX - 19 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   227463 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.308 | XX - 19 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   227464 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.311 | XX - 19 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   228088 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.314 | XX - 19 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   228731 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.316 | XX - 19 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   228738 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.321 | XX - 19 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   229258 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.319 | XX - 19 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   229266 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.324 | XX - 19 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   229285 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.328 | XX - 20 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   229723 | 2021-10-13 12:32:29.531 | Japan (north) special strategic map scale 1:2,000,000 ; Japan (south) special strategic map scale 1: | 
   229724 | 2021-10-13 12:38:18.25  | Afrika 1:12 000 000 mit Spezialkarte Marokko 1:3 000 000, [1925]                                     | 
   232866 | 2021-08-02 13:59:44.354 | Kruse, Friedrich Karl Hermann, [około [1830], Tabula geographica Europae ad statum, quo sub finem An | 
   233042 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.778 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Minsk, druk 1945                                                                 | 
   233043 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.78  | Europe 1.000.000 e. Varsovie, druk 1944                                                              | 
   233054 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.781 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Berlin, druk 1945                                                                | 
   233071 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.783 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Moscou, druk 1943                                                                | 
   233072 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.785 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Kouibychev (Samara), druk 1947                                                   | 
   233073 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.787 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Rennes, 1944                                                                     | 
   233074 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.789 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Vienne, druk 1945                                                                | 
   233132 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.791 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Paris, 1945                                                                      | 
   233181 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.793 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Budapest, druk 1944                                                              | 
   233209 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.331 | XX - 20 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   233235 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.796 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Kharkov, druk 1943                                                               | 
   233247 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.335 | XX - 20 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   233248 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.798 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Odessa, druk 1944                                                                | 
   233250 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.338 | XX - 20 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   233304 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.799 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Rome, 1948                                                                       | 
   233343 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.801 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Sofia, druk 1944                                                                 | 
   233356 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.34  | XX - 20 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   233468 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.343 | XX - 20 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   233515 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.803 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Istanboul, druk 1945                                                             | 
   233518 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.805 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Bordeaux - Bilbao, druk 1947                                                     | 
   234504 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.346 | XX - 20 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   234629 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.807 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Madrid, druk 1947                                                                | 
   234665 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.809 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Marseille, 1944                                                                  | 
   234810 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.811 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Astrakhan, druk 1942                                                             | 
   234890 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.813 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Athènes, druk 1944                                                               | 
   234917 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.815 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Naples - Tunis, druk 1948                                                        | 
   234930 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.816 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Alger, druk 1947                                                                 | 
   235088 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.348 | XX - 20 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   235125 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.351 | XX - 21 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   235134 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.353 | XX - 21 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   235147 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.355 | XX - 21 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   235156 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.357 | XX - 21 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   235237 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.358 | XX - 21 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   235574 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.818 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Ankara, druk 1944                                                                | 
   235585 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.821 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Grozny, druk 1945                                                                | 
   236380 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.823 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Batoum - Tiflis, druk 1943                                                       | 
   236381 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.825 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Erzeroum, druk 1943                                                              | 
   236382 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.361 | XX - 21 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   236383 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.363 | XX - 21 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   236385 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.365 | XX - 21 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                           | 
   239346 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.368 | XXI - 18 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   239365 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.37  | XXI - 18 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240181 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.828 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Sfax, druk 1947                                                                  | 
   240182 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.83  | Europe 1.000.000 e. Laghouat, druk 1947                                                              | 
   240183 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.832 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Rabat, 1942                                                                      | 
   240184 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.835 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Bakou, druk 1947                                                                 | 
   240304 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.837 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Beyrouth - Alexandrie, druk 1947                                                 | 
   240328 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.839 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Damas - Bagdad, druk 1947                                                        | 
   240354 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.842 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Candie, druk 1943                                                                | 
   240355 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.844 | Europe 1.000.000 e. Téhéran, 1942                                                                    | 
   240356 | 2021-10-14 14:26:28.847 | Europe 1.000.000e. Tromsö, druk 1947                                                                 | 
   240497 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.372 | XXI - 18 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240498 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.374 | XXI - 18 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240499 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.377 | XXI - 18 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240521 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.379 | XXI - 18 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240522 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.381 | XXI - 18 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240523 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.383 | XXI - 18 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240524 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.386 | XXI - 19 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240525 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.388 | XXI - 19 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240539 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.39  | XXI - 19 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240543 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.392 | XXI - 19 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240547 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.394 | XXI - 19 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240552 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.396 | XXI - 19 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240557 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.398 | XXI - 19 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240812 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.401 | XXI - 20 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240814 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.402 | XXI - 20 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240818 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.405 | XXI - 20 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240831 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.407 | XXI - 20 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240834 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.41  | XXI - 20 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240870 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.413 | XXI - 20 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240880 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.417 | XXI - 20 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   240998 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.42  | XXI - 20 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241132 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.423 | XXI - 20 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241521 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.426 | XXI - 21 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241544 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.43  | XXI - 21 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241546 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.434 | XXI - 21 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241548 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.437 | XXI - 21 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241587 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.44  | XXI - 21 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241590 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.443 | XXI - 21 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241674 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.446 | XXI - 21 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                          | 
   241720 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.45  | XXI - 21 - Z : Polʹša,1939                                                                           | 
   242168 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.453 | XXII - 18 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242174 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.457 | XXII - 18 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242184 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.46  | XXII - 18 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242768 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.463 | XXII - 18 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242769 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.465 | XXII - 18 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242773 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.468 | XXII - 18 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242777 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.472 | XXII - 18 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242778 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.474 | XXII - 18 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   242788 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.478 | XXII - 18 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243097 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.481 | XXII - 19 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243111 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.484 | XXII - 19 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243164 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.486 | XXII - 19 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243166 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.49  | XXII - 19 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243167 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.493 | XXII - 19 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243168 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.496 | XXII - 19 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243175 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.499 | XXII - 19 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243338 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.502 | XXII - 19 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243339 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.505 | XXII - 20 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243343 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.511 | XXII - 20 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243366 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.508 | XXII - 20 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243386 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.514 | XXII - 20 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243400 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.516 | XXII - 20 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243888 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.518 | XXII - 20 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   243892 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.521 | XXII - 20 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   244928 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.523 | XXII - 20 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   244929 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.526 | XXII - 20 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                         | 
   245704 | 2021-09-08 12:24:52.077 | Pomianowski W., Solon J. : Modelling patch mosaic connectivity and ecological corridors with GraphSc | 
   246216 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.529 | XXIII - 18 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   246222 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.531 | XXIII - 18 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   246238 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.534 | XXIII - 18 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   246275 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.538 | XXIII - 18 - G. : Polʹša, 1939                                                                       | 
   246551 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.54  | XXIII - 18 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   246557 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.543 | XXIII - 18 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   247118 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.547 | XXIII - 18 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   247162 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.551 | XXIII - 18 - Z. : Polʹša, 1939                                                                       | 
   247163 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.554 | XXIII - 18 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   247164 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.558 | XXIII - 19 - A : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   247172 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.561 | XXIII - 19 - B : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   247841 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.563 | XXIII - 19 - V : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   248743 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.567 | XXIII - 19 - G : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   248811 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.57  | XXIII - 19 - D : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   249774 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.572 | XXIII - 19 - E : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   249799 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.575 | XXIII - 19 - Ž : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   249821 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.577 | XXIII - 19 - Z : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   250966 | 2021-10-13 11:14:05.579 | XXIII - 19 - I : Polʹša, 1939                                                                        | 
   251995 | 2021-10-14 11:03:29.917 | Protas, F. N., 1946, Politiko-administrativnaâ karta evropejskoj časti SSSR                          | 
   253115 | 2021-10-14 11:04:31.36  | Ulʹânov, A. A., 1935, Karta administrativnogo deleniâ SSSR : masštab 1:22.000 000                    | 
   253116 | 2021-10-13 11:18:21.934 | Nastoâŝaâ Karta Masštaba 1:25 000 [skorowidz arkuszy], [2010]                                        | 
   253334 | 2021-10-15 14:59:20.388 | Europe 1.000.000e : Tableau D'assemblage                                                             | 
   268029 | 2021-11-02 12:18:06.529 | Pless, [między 1893 i 1919]                                                                          | 
   274095 | 2023-12-18 13:34:03.63  | Contents                                                                                             | 
   275662 | 2024-05-24 14:16:14.845 | Contents                                                                                             | 
   276417 | 2024-04-15 19:40:50.732 | Contents                                                                                             | 
   277142 | 2024-04-01 16:29:29.545 | Contents                                                                                             | 
   277663 | 2024-06-11 21:40:32.283 | Nowak, Maciej Jacek, 2024, Opportunities and barriers related to the implementation of the Right to  | 
   277665 | 2024-05-24 15:10:38.257 | Contents                                                                                             | 
   277666 | 2024-06-11 22:20:16.661 | Nowak M.J. i in. : Uncovering Spatial Planning Values through Law: Insights from Central East Europe | 
   277761 | 2024-06-04 17:26:24.868 | Szupryczyński J. : Spitsbergen− historia odkryć i badań do końca XX wieku.                           | 
   277762 | 2024-06-04 20:17:26.147 | Amenta L. i in. : Repairing Landscapes toward the Regeneration of Periurban Ecologies. A Living Lab  | 
   277781 | 2024-06-12 09:32:44.668 | Cotella G. : Book Review: Spatial Planning Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries. Review | 
(234 pub.)